supastarter for SvelteKitAPI

Mutate data with API

The previous example shows how to create a query, which means "getting data" from the API. If you want to perform a mutation (e.g. create, update, delete), you create a mutation endpoint instead.

This looks very similar to the query:

import { z } from "zod";
import { publicProcedure } from "../../trpc";
import { db, PostSchema } from "database";
export const createPost = publicProcedure
      title: z.string(),
      content: z.string(),
  .mutation(async ({ input }) => {
    const post = await{
      data: input,
    return post;

As with the query procedure, export the mutation procedure from your feature module's index.ts:

// ...
export * from "./create-post.ts";

Use the mutation

To use the mutation you can use the apiClient again:

<script lang="ts">
  import { page } from "$app/stores";
  import { apiClient } from "@shared/lib/ApiClient";
  let title = "";
  let content = "";
  async function onSubmit() {
    await apiClient($page).post.createPost.mutate({ title, content });
<form on:submit|preventDefault={onSubmit}>
  <input required placeholder="Title" bind:value={title} />
  <textarea bind:value={content} />
  <button type="submit" class="ml-4">Create Post</button>

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